Tuesday, July 31, 2007


these things amused me enough to pull out the camera and take some pictures.


Have your adventures on a tankful of gas and a pocketful of cash...

Learned this when the cops chased my car (driven by a beautiful, elfin, reckless girl) through 3am-empty Delhi, only occasional slow-moving trucks for obstacles, and the gas was running out.

I had a pockeful of cash, though.


adaptability is not about high-risk behaviors, it's about finding that
part of yourself that's intuitive, and acts appropriately under time
pressure... it's the groove or the zone that people talk about, but it
applies not only to one's work, you can be in the zone for any/all
parts of your life. I have lived in an equivalent of a 13th century
Spain, and, believe me, my behavior has been radically different.
Adaptability is not about taking ridiculous or excessive risks, it's
about being able to evaluate circumstances quickly and intelligently
and act on the basis of what you ACTUALLY want. Stupidity comes in
endless forms - a person who is stupid and unaware of environment is
not safe in Swtizerland; a person who is in touch with his
surroundings is safe in a jungle or in Khaiber pass. I am not saying I
am there... what I AM saying is that recklessness, excessive caution,
lack of joy, meanness - they are all expressions of stupidity -
stupidity being defined as not being in touch with what you want and
striving to achieve it. Intelligent action comes from attention to
self and the environment.

Monday, January 22, 2007

A Jewish Mother superhero

Cooks by day, fights crime by night by causing opponents to experience unbearable guilt.