Wednesday, October 25, 2006


When times are lean and everyone in my village is fighting over the remains of a dead dog, I would rather be out there hunting a mammoth. Personal preference, I guess.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Much comes down to the difference between rational and reasonable.
Rational can be defined only in the context of a person's goals, it's a little binary - is what you are doing getting you closer to what you want? If it is, it's rational, if it's not, it isn't. Simple. Thus, if a woman wants stability and is at the same time splitting up with husband, then it's irrational. If she wants adventure (at whatever age) then it's the most rational thing in the world.
Reasonable is somewhat different... When talking about reasonable you take context into account, i.e. it may be rational for me to start taking ballet classes given that my goal is to become the lead at the Bolshoi, but it's probably not a reasonable thing to do, in context (Zamin refuses to wear tights).
It seems that you are attracted to people who are rational but not reasonable (by these definitions). So am I.
So I guess it all comes down to figuring out what you want.
thoughtfully yours,


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Freedom is more important than happiness.